
Tom Cruise Hypes Up Seoul

So Tom Cruise came to Seoul for "Valkyrie's" Asian premiere. I had a prepubescent crush on the guy back in his "Top Gun" days, but didn't care much for him afterward. In person, he was genuinely courteous (thanking reporters for coming on a Sunday) and gave off this magnetic force... After locking eyes with Mr. Cruise for about 15 minutes as he answered my questions, I am indeed starstruck. Though it doesn't compare with that moment of eternity I felt with Senor Domingo.

Tom Cruise left his mark in Seoul with a hand printing ceremony at a local theater Saturday. Over 500 enthusiastic fans attended the event. /Yonhap

The snow over the weekend in Seoul seemed to melt away with the arrival of superstar Tom Cruise, whose latest film ``Valkyrie’’ makes its Asian premiere here Jan. 22.

[The 46-year-old greeted fans with enthusiasm...] Word of his extended service to fans spread quickly online, with Netizens calling him ``Kind Uncle Cruise.’’ ``The nickname is lovely. I would say the same about the country and the people of this country,’’ the actor told reporters Sunday in a packed hotel ballroom.

From left, Mr. Cruise, director Bryan Singer and writer/director Christopher McQuarrie promote "Valkyrie" in Seoul. /Yonhap

The ``Top Gun’’ hero appeared younger than ever in his sexy, form-fitting black shirt. When asked about the secrets of his youth, he said that, being a busy actor and family man, he doesn’t ``have time to age.’’ >>More (``I always wanted to kill Hitler -- I hate that guy," he said...)

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