
Watchmen I & II (Limited Edition)

Alan Moore, illustrated by David Gibbons
Translated from English to Korean by Jung Ji-uk
Sigongsa: 210 pp., 14,000 won for each book

Along with Frank Miller (``Batman: The Dark Knight Returns''), Alan Moore is considered an iconic graphic novelist who initiated the 1980s trend of comics with adult sensibilities. Like his other masterwork, ``V for Vendetta,'' ``Watchmen'' has been adapted to the big screen, and the Korean translation is now available in time for the local release of the film.

``Watchmen'' is an atypical superhero story that begins with the death of a superhero. The narrative is non-linear and told from multiple points of view. The series is also noted for being visually experimental, with some pages being symmetrical, near-mirror images of one another.

The story is set during the Cold War, and superheroes fight against evil Nazis and Communists. But conflicts with local authorities force them to either retire or continue working under supervision. But when one of the heroes, Comedian, turns up dead, his former colleagues reunite to unravel the mystery.

This limited edition features the bright yellow Smile Version cover and full color pages.

I gotta go watch this movie... Directors like Park Chan-wook and Michael Kang flocked to theaters to catch it. I love noir comics like "Batman: The Dark Knight Returns" but I find "Sin City" and such a bit too disturbing.

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