
YouTube Symphony Orchestra Ready to Go

NEW YORK (AP) The auditions are over. The first YouTube Symphony Orchestra -- selected by viewers of the Web site -- will consist of more than 90 musicians from some 30 countries.

More than 3,000 videos were submitted by amateur and professional musicians from 70-plus countries. Musicians from professional orchestras including the London and San Francisco symphonies and the Berlin, Hong Kong and New York philharmonic orchestras picked 200
finalists. The winners were then selected by voters on YouTube.

``We are excited about the talent, variety and adventurousness of the musicians who are coming together from around the world to form the YouTube Symphony Orchestra,'' conductor Michael Tilson Thomas said Monday. ``I am looking forward to our exploration of the incredible range of classical music's 1,200-year-old tradition which we will present in a unique way to our audience.''

The orchestra will have 26 different instruments. The selected musicians, ranging from ages 17 to 55, will participate in three days of master classes and rehearsals next month, culminating in an April 15 concert at Carnegie Hall conducted by Thomas, the SanFrancisco Symphony's music director.

The 90 winners include eight ethnic Koreans from near and far: cellist Lee Soo-jung and violinist Kim Tae-shik from South Korea; clarinetist Lee Soo-young and violinist Kim Kyung-hee from Austria; violinist Sang-min Park and violist Lee Seung-won based in Germany; contrabassist Lee Hyung-tag and cellist Michelle Kwon from the United States.

Other winners are from Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bermuda, Brazil, Britain, Canada, China, Columbia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Japan, Lithuania, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Russia,South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Ukraine and the United States.

Visit www.youtube.com/symphonykr (Korean) or www.youtube.com/symphony (English).

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